Terrorism now fights in the perception dimension, using social media that offer them global reach to cheaply disseminate ever more shocking images, such as those of the GoPro cameras used by Hamas to
Terrorism now fights in the perception dimension, using social media that offer them global reach to cheaply disseminate ever more shocking images, such as those of the GoPro cameras used by Hamas to
Words like "terrorist" have meaning, and their use must be analyzed as a symptom. Sometimes as a weak signal: in Mali, the whole strategy of the Bamako hawks has been to conflate the Tuareg rebellion
Georges-Yves Kervern envisioned Neosituationism as a philosophical interface between Cindynics and Sustainable Development. With the development of Relativized Cindynics and the formal consideration o
When implementing the UN 2030 agenda, the construction of perceptions and its builders, especially in the media, must be considered. This is what second-order Cindynics suggest. This approach shares s
Strikes by healthcare workers were launched in France during the pandemic: this will long remain the best example of friction undermining the operational efficiency of prevention. And a quitessential
While Vincent Duclert insists on French support, in particular military, for the government of Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine recalls that French policy in Rwanda had two components. A military
The UN Panel of Experts on Libya has just published a report denouncing the total ineffectiveness of the arms embargo imposed on Libya in 2011 by the Security Council. A previous report by UN experts
The announcement of the termination of the Pasteur Institute's main COVID-19 vaccine candidate dismayed the French. At first, it seemed relevant to attribute this failure to the endemic failings of Fr
In a previous post, we described how going beyond probabilistic approaches enabled the mastery of propensities to emerge as the central concept of the Cindynics. On the other hand, even if it does not
In early 2019, a handful of soldiers attempted a coup in Gabon. The Gabonese domestic situation was conflictual since the 2016 presidential election and worsened with the stroke of Ali Bongo, who deci