As broadband internet access begins to take hold in Africa, this brings both opportunities and risks, which suggests paying attention to informational risks: cindynic methodology describes these risks
As broadband internet access begins to take hold in Africa, this brings both opportunities and risks, which suggests paying attention to informational risks: cindynic methodology describes these risks
When implementing the UN 2030 agenda, the construction of perceptions and its builders, especially in the media, must be considered. This is what second-order Cindynics suggest. This approach shares s
While Vincent Duclert insists on French support, in particular military, for the government of Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine recalls that French policy in Rwanda had two components. A military
The media coverage of the Duclert report illustrates one of the basic axioms of Cindynics: the pharmakon principle, which states that any action aiming at risk reduction can give rise to new risks. An
After noticing the absence of a description of US post-Cold War peacekeeping policy in the Duclert report, which constitutes a topological disparity with some English-speaking studies, it may be inter
In a previous post, we presented the different stages of the deconflictualisation process enabled by the cindynical method. Before reducing the prospective divergences between actors, it is necessary
The publication of the Duclert report and of the final version of the Muse report illustrates the interest of the notion of cindynic hyperspace, which enables the description of the actors concerned b
Second Order Cindynics rely on a strict modeling that sometimes seems difficult to grasp. In summary, considering subjectivities leads to situation descriptions which depend on observers, and enables