While Vincent Duclert insists on French support, in particular military, for the government of Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine recalls that French policy in Rwanda had two components. A military
While Vincent Duclert insists on French support, in particular military, for the government of Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine recalls that French policy in Rwanda had two components. A military
Si Vincent Duclert insiste sur le soutien français, en particulier militaire, au gouvernement de Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine rappelle que la politique française au Rwanda avait deux volets
The media coverage of the Duclert report illustrates one of the basic axioms of Cindynics: the pharmakon principle, which states that any action aiming at risk reduction can give rise to new risks. An
La couverture médiatique du rapport Duclert permet d'illustrer un des axiomes de base des Cindyniques: le principe du pharmakon, qui pose que toute action de réduction des risques peut créer de nou