For the second time, a US Big Tech censored an African leader. After the censorship of the Nigerian President by Twitter, Facebook has just censored the Ethiopian Prime Minister.
For the second time, a US Big Tech censored an African leader. After the censorship of the Nigerian President by Twitter, Facebook has just censored the Ethiopian Prime Minister.
E.H. Carr considered three forms of political power in the international sphere: military power, economic power, and a third form, less often cited: power over opinion. As broadband internet access be
While Vincent Duclert insists on French support, in particular military, for the government of Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine recalls that French policy in Rwanda had two components. A military
In a previous post, we described how going beyond probabilistic approaches enabled the mastery of propensities to emerge as the central concept of the Cindynics. On the other hand, even if it does not
Cindynics have occasionally been erroneously presented as relying on the use of probability theory. Not only is this not the case, but this is the worst possible misunderstanding since going beyond pr