Cindynic methodology is particularly suited to sustainable development operational efficiency : on the one hand, Cindynics help to address issues related to the risks-conflict-development complex, and on the other hand, the Sustainable Development Goals are in particular based on four areas: Planet, People, Prosperity and Peace.
The first two areas, which lead to environment and people protection, fall within the risk prevention field. A key concept is the concept of vulnerability : cindynic methodology aims to reduce vulnerabilities of situations, in other words, to build resilience.
However, in practice, reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience can run into operational difficulties, which goes against environment and people protection. A second key concept is thus the concept of friction, i.e. the difference between operations planned 'on the paper' and what is achieved in practice.
Second-order cindynics identify divergences and disparities of perception between actors as sources of conflict leading to these frictional phenomena. By identifying and reducing these disparities and divergences, cindynic methodology helps to reduce friction and improve the operational efficiency of any action aimed at protecting the environment or people.
In addition, conflictuality reduction also helps to reduce the friction phenomena that affect development operations: cindynic methodology also brings benefits to the Prosperity area of the Sustainable Development Goals by providing operational efficiency gains.
The concept of conflictuality covers both weak or 'everyday' conflictualities and strong conflictualities, leading to conflicts in the traditional sense: Cindynics help to reduce conflictuality , i.e. to reduce the propensities of situations to degenerate into open conflicts. Conflicts threaten both the human, his health, his environment, and economic development. Thus, in June 2018, a UN report notes that conflicts hamper the sustainable development goals. Ultimately, by helping to reduce conflictualities, Cindynics contributes to the four basic areas of the Sustainable Development Goals : Planet, People, Prosperity, and Peace.
One advantage of cindynic methodology is its ability to simultaneously manage inseparable issues in the risk, conflict, and development areas, without dividing problems, thus without obfuscating solutions and without generating problems in related areas. In a way, Cindynics enable a simultaneous operational approach to the four basic areas of Sustainable Development Goals, which should be understood as inseparable.